Thursday, June 4, 2009

Moving right along...

Well, after lots of arguing and hair-pulling, the four directors finally decided the season of shows for the Hangar Lab Company 2009. (Sarcasm is so hard to convey in writing. The truth is I think we probably had the smoothest and most amiable selection process ever.) We will each be directing one Kiddstuff play or musical, one play with a playwright-in-residence, and one play of our own choosing. There are four rotations throughout the summer, and the trick is that each rotation we must cast all 26 (wonderful, charismatic, insane) actors in our acting company. We also take turns serving as the Lab Producer (whichever rotation we are not directing), which entails being the point person for any troubles or issues that may arise, making sure shows stay on track both in rehearsal and in production planning/design, etc. And without further ado, I present our incredible summer line-up. (Drum roll please...)

Rotation 1:

Kiddstuff: Really Rosie directed by Sherri Eden Barber

Wedge 1A: Origin Story by Dan LeFranc, directed by Mia Rovegno

Wedge 1B: Doctor Faustus: The Anatomy of a Man by Christopher Marlowe, directed by Brandon Pape

Rotation 2:

Kiddstuff: Snow White, directed by Brandon Pape

Wedge 2A: References to Salvador Dali Make Me Hot by Jose Rivera, directed by Sherri Eden Barber

Wedge 2B: The Bacchae by Euripides, directed by Jesse Geiger

Rotation 3:

Kiddstuff: Busytown, directed by Jesse Geiger

Wedge 3A: Armchair Traveler by Libby Leonard, directed by Sherri Eden Barber

Wedge 3B: Love in the Time of Channukah by Joshua Harmon, directed by Mia Rovegno

Rotation 4:

Kiddstuff: The Adventures of a Bear Called Paddington, directed by Mia Rovegno

Wedge 4A: Military 4Play by S.D. Graubert, directed by Jesse Geiger

Wedge 4B: Clementine and the Cyber Ducks by Krista Knight, directed by Brandon Pape

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